Strategic Plan

ALCE Hokie Stone Recognition
Hokie Stone is a tradition that is literally built into the physical foundation of Virginia Tech. Harvested from a quarry in Blacksburg, the colorful sedimentary rock known as “Hokie Stone” was formed out of sight, under intense pressure. While our campus is adorned with Hokie Stone, its beauty might have gone unnoticed if our University did not bring it to the surface. Instead, it is a point of pride and inspiration. Hokie Stone is infused into a variety of traditions, including Virginia Tech home football games; as the team enters Lane Stadium, they touch a slab of Hokie Stone overhead, and next to it is a sign: "For those who have passed, for those to come, reach for excellence."

In the same way, the ALCE Hokie Stone award is designed to draw attention to individuals and efforts that contribute to a strength of our department; and it is intended to encourage all of us to reach for excellence. The Hokie Stone (faculty/staff) and the Hokie Bird (graduate students) will be presented to a member of the department community at least monthly to recognize contributions to building a positive community culture, effort beyond expectation, and/or service to department priorities.
- Whoever receives the Hokie Stone/Hokie Bird is responsible for identifying the next recipient within a few days or weeks of receiving the award. (Don’t wait too long!)
- When possible, the transfer of the award should be announced at a department function (e.g., meeting, social gathering, or seminar) and followed by an email to the department listserv.
- The physical award will be passed to the recipient at the department function or as soon as possible afterward.
- Regardless of when the award is passed, the awardees will be recognized at each official department-wide meeting and recorded in the meeting minutes.