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Outstanding Doctoral Student

Robert Bass
Robert T. Bass, Outstanding Doctoral Student 2019

I thank everyone who has taken time to not only support my research interests but have pushed me to grow as both an academic and as a man. I would like to especially thank my advisors, Dr. Kim Niewolny & Dr. James Anderson. I would like to additionally express my gratitude to the Agricultural, Leadership and Community Education Department Faculty/Staff, the CAFS minor staff/students and to the Brothers of the MuNu Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. for their contributions and endless support of my success as well. I hope to continue to carry the torch light you all have sincerely passed on to me. I am forever grateful to accept the ALCE Outstanding Doctoral Student Award. I hope to leave just as much of an imprint on others as you all have made on me. Blessings & Peace.



Advisor Statement:  Kim Niewolny, Ph.D.

As a Ph.D candidate in the Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education, Robert Bass has shown to be an exceptional and well-respected doctoral student through his research, teaching, and service accomplishments. Above all, Robert is a first-rate professional with both integrity and heart, whose scholarly contributions are many with more to come. As his advisor, I could not be more proud of Robert.  He truly deserves the Outstanding Doctoral Student Award in the Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education!