Donna Westfall-Rudd
- Teaching and Learning

214 Litton-Reaves Hall
Blacksburg, Virginia
ALCE 2414 Identity and Inclusion in Agricultural and Life Sciences
ALCE 3004 Educational Courses in Agricultural and Life Sciences
ALCE 4034 Methods of Planning Educational Programs in Agriculture
ALCE 4244 Teaching and Training Methods in ALCE - Team teach with Drs. Scherer and Spindler
ALCE 5044 Program and Curriculum Design
ALCE 6415 - 6416 Introduction to Graduate Teaching Scholars
ALCE 6425 – 6426 University Teaching Development
ALCE 6435 – 6436 Engagement in University Teaching
Dr. Westfall-Rudd’s teaching, research, and outreach efforts are closely integrated in an effort to reflect the mission of a Land Grant University. This integrated work focuses on integrating her academic activities with new agricultural educators (secondary, postsecondary, and non-formal) and continuing education experiences within the agricultural education professional communities with research and scholarship through an evolving examination of the educational program planning, design, and implementation practices of pre-service and in-service teaching professionals. The over-arching questions Dr. Westfall-Rudd seeks to address are:
- How must agricultural education programs be designed to be responsive to current and future trends in the agriculture industry with relevant curriculum content and alignment with national and state academic standards?
- What are the critical educational components and experiences for rigorous, student centered university classrooms?
- How do we prepare secondary teachers and university faculty members to integrate and balance new knowledge and skills in contemporary teaching practices, identified in the current teacher preparation literature, with the technical skills and knowledge expected within their professional practice?
Dr. Westfall-Rudd has served as principal investigator for 23 different grants or funded projects for $1,825,000 to support this work. She was also among the senior personnel for 16 different grants or funded projects for more than $5,030,751. The objectives for this work include examining:
- Increasing the experiential learning opportunities for ALCE undergraduate programs to better link their coursework to their first careers;
- Support the retention and engagement of Native students at Virginia Tech;
- Engaging secondary teachers in CALS research for greater agricultural literacy in non-agricultural education curriculum areas;
- Integrating cyberbiosecurity into middle school curriculum;
- Supporting the development of land-based learning through connections to Indigenous gardens;
- Assisting secondary and community college faculty in strengthening work-based durable skills;
- Current pre-service and continuing professional education programs available within Virginia’s agricultural extension and education professions to identify necessary changes critical for the growth and development of the professions;
- The impact of revisions of the pre-service educational programs and how those revisions align with the current and changing content and pedagogical needs of the agricultural education professionals, as well as their current and potential clientele, utilizing contemporary planning practices in local communities, and
- Using technologies as tools for teaching and learning in postsecondary and secondary agricultural learning environments.
Dr. Westfall-Rudd serves as the CALS Graduate Teaching Scholars Program Director & Sr Scholar. As a part of the Graduate Teaching Scholars program each scholar is expected to design and implement a small research project within their teaching practice. The concept of scholarship in teaching and learning are introduced early in the first year of the program. Students embrace this opportunity to publish and together scholars have produced conference posters, conference presentations, and journal articles. As the program coordinator Dr. Westfall-Rudd works with each of the scholars to ensure they have the basic knowledge and training needed to conduct this social science research.
Recent Grant Projects (selected)
Rudd, R., Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Co-PI, 20%), Drape, T., Cook, S., Faircloth, M., (6/1/2023 – 5/30/2028). NEXTGEN – VT Sub Award. Funded for $933,888. [Prime award: Ricketts, J. C., et al. (2023-2028). NEXTGeneration Consortium (NIC) for Building the Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Human Sciences Pipeline (FANHP). USDA-NIFA-NEXTGEN. $18,110,000]
Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (PI, 25%), Faircloth, M., Cook, S., Galbraith, J. M., Taylor, J., Petrie, L., Lamoureux, K., Rudd, R., Rutherford, T., Bowers, M. (8/1/2021 – 7/31/2025). Native Student Retention Through Experiential Learning and Culturally Competent Mentoring Program. New Beginnings for Tribal Students, USDA NIFA. Funded for $486,486 [$243, 324 grant plus $243, 243 matching funds (cost share)].
Drape, T., Brown, A., Oakes, J., Simpson, J., Duncan, S., Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Co-PI, 10%) (4/1/2021-8/31/2022). Curating Industry Partnerships Through Experiential Learning for Workforce Development in Cyberbiosecurity, Commonwealth Cybersecurity Initiative. Funded for $114,570.
Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (PI, 25%), Drape, T. A., Haak, D., Rudd, R., Scherer, H. H. (2021 - 2025). Engaging Secondary Teachers in CALS Research for Agricultural Literacy. Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), USDA NIFA. Funded for $500,000.
Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (PI, 100%) (1/1/2021 – 12/31/2022). A Collaborative Program for Undergraduate Research in Ag. & Extension Education, Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science. Funded for $20,000.
Rudd, R., Bohannon, C. L., Boyer, R. R., Chase, M., Kane, O.*, Drape, T. D., Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Co-PI, 10%) (4/1/202 – 3/31/2026). Illuminating Agricultural Extension and Education Career Opportunities for STEM and Liberal Arts Undergraduate Students. Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), USDA. Funded for $498,424.
Scherer, H., Bonnett, E. D., Duncan, S., Vines, K., Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Co-PI, 15%), (9/1/2020 – 8/31/2023). Initiating the rural cyberbiosecurity workforce pipeline through empowering agricultural educators and supporting middle school girls. Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields, USDA NIFA. Funded for $99,577.
Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (PI, 100%) (1/1/2019 – ongoing). CALS Graduate Teaching Scholars. College of Agriculture and Life Science. Funded for $32,800.
Crowder, L. V., Christie, M. E., Archibald, T. G., Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Co-PI, 50%), Rudd, R. (8/1/2014-2/28/2018). Sub-Award of Capacity Building for Agricultural Education and Research in Senegal (CBAER). US Agency International Development. Funded for $101,003. [Prime award: Crowder, L. V., Christie, M. E., Archibald, T. G. Funded for $24,177,727.
Rudd R., D. Westfall-Rudd, M. Spindler. January 2013 - December 2018. INNOVATE, ALCE SUB CONTRACT. USAID. Total Amount: $470,000.
Westfall-Rudd D., R. Rudd, M. Spindler, H. Scherer. January 2014 - December 2015. Increasing Community Viability and Workforce Development through Implementation of The Governor’s Taskforce for Agricultural Education Recommendations. VDACS and CALS Community Viability. Total Amount: $250,000.
Westfall-Rudd D., R. Rudd, L. Woodward. July 2014 - June 2015. Virginia FFA Support. Virginia Department of Education. Total Amount: $97,500.
Westfall-Rudd D. August 2014 - September 2016. ERA ALCE GRA, sub-contract with VT ORIED. US Agency for International Development. Total Amount: $50,312.
Westfall-Rudd, D. M., Rudd, R., Seibel, G. (October 2010 – July, 2013). Rural Innovation Project. VADACS & CALS Community Viability. Funded at $150,000.
Kane, O.*, & Westfall-Rudd, D. (2023). The adult-centered teaching strategies for the livestock System resilience with a variety of extension agent workloads’ demands: a case study of Thies and Diourbel Regions, Senegal. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 17(1).
Westfall-Rudd, D., Vengrin, C., and Elliott-Engel, J. (eds.) Teaching in the University: Learning from Graduate Students and Early-Career Faculty (2022). Blacksburg: Virginia Tech College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. License: CC BY-NC. 9,626 downloads in over 100 countries, 151 printed copies sold (6/5/2023).
Ajao, H.*, Alegbeleye, D., & Westfall-Rudd, D. (2022). Curriculum Design in an Agricultural Education Program in Nigeria: Towards Advancing Career Readiness. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 3(2), 17-30. DOI:
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Westfall-Rudd, D., Seibel, M., Kaufman, E., & Radhakrishna, R. (2021). Extension Administrators’ Perspectives on Employee Competencies and Characteristics. Journal of Extension, 59(3), Article 3.
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Westfall-Rudd, D., & Corkins, C.* (2021). Engaging Stakeholders in Extension Strategic Planning. Journal of Extension, 59(4), Article 3.
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Westfall-Rudd, D. M., Seibel, M., & Kaufman, E. (2020). Extension’s Response to the Change in Public Value: Considerations for Ensuring Financial Security for the Cooperative Extension System. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 8(2), 5.
Webb, R.*, Westfall-Rudd, D. M., & Scherer, H. (2020). Continuing Professional Education and Collaborations Between University Faculty and Agricultural Education Teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education. 60 (4) p. 199 – 211.
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Robinson, K.*, & Westfall-Rudd, D. (2019). Intentional STEM Infusion (ISI) Approach for 4-H Non-STEM Project Volunteers: Finding STEM in Plain Sight. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 7(1), 14. DOI:
Harl, A., Rhoads, M. L., Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (2019). Increased Utilization of tactile activities in reproductive physiology laboratory sections to improve cognitive learning. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 63, 341 – 343.
Vengrin, C.*, Westfall-Rudd, D. M., Archibald, T., Rudd, R., & Singh, K. (2018). Factors Affecting Evaluation Culture within a Non-Formal Educational Organization. Evaluation and Program Planning, 69, 75-81.
Select Professional Publications
Drape, T. A., Thompson, C., Johnson, K., Brown, A. M., Simpson, J., Oakes, J., Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (2022). Integrating Cybersecurity and Agricultural Innovation. Virginia Tech.
Westfall-Rudd, D. M., Elliott-Engel, J.*, & Lawrence, C.* (2019). Learning Allyship: Ensuring Youth Peer-to-Peer Inclusion in Agricultural Education. Agricultural Education Magazine. September 2019.
Johnson, D.* & Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (2019). Experiential Learning in Agriculture Education, Agricultural Education Magazine. January 2019.
Elliott-Engel, J., & Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (2016). What is a culturally-responsive educator?. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 89(2), 13-14.
Robinson, K., & Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (2016). Math and agricultural teachers: Making math real and relevant. Virginia Mathematics Teacher, 42(2), 35-39.
Westfall-Rudd, D. & Layne, L. (Spring, 2024). Express Yourself: Student Showcase Emphasizing Engagement of Underrepresented Minorities in the US Food System. Invited exhibit in the Fraction House, Virginia Tech. Host, Dr. Kerri Mosley-Hobbs.
Select Recent Conference Proceedings
Coartney, J., Kaufman, E., Nelson, D., Westfall-Rudd, D., Seibel, M., Friedel, C., Carmichael, C. (2022). Building Durable Skills and Networks: Leadership Educators' Contributions to Workforce Readiness. In Association of Leadership Educators Annual Conference (pp. 10). Kansas City MO: Association of Leadership Educators. Retrieved from
Coartney, J., Kaufman, E., Westfall-Rudd, D., Seibel, M., Friedel, C., White, A., & Carmichael, C. (2022). Enhancing Workforce Readiness Through a Convergence of Networks and Collaborative Leadership. In Engagement Scholarship Consortium Annual Meeting. Athens GA: Engagement Scholarship Consortium. Retrieved from
Elliott-Engel, J.*, & Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Oct, 2020). Toying with the 4-H model: Insights from a Qualitative Study of U.S. Extension Administrators. Research Roundtable presented at the national meeting of National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP), Boise, ID.
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Lachapelle, P., Parra, A., & Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Oct, 2020). Serving LGBTQ+ Youth and Families through 4-H. Innovative roundtable presented at the national meeting of National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP), Boise, ID.
Elliott-Engel, J.* & Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (Feb, 2020). State Administrators' Perspectives On Environmental Factors Facing Cooperative Extension. Southern Region AAAE Research Conference, Louisville, KY.
Corkins, C.*, & Westfall-Rudd, D. (Feb, 2020). STEM education in [State] 4-H: A Qualitative exploration of engineering understandings in 4-H STEM educators. Southern Region AAAE Conference, Louisville, KY.
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Seibel, M., Kaufman, E., Radhakrishna, R., & Westfall-Rudd, D. (Dec, 2018). Shifts in Funding of Public Value for Higher-Education Engagement: Extension Administrator Perspectives. Paper presented at the National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals Conference. (NAEPSDP), Arlington, VA. Retrieved from
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Niewolny, K., & Westfall-Rudd, D. (2018). A Critical Exploration of The Transformative Discourse of 4-H Youth Development in International Contexts. Paper presented at the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), Jacksonville, FL.
Elliott-Engel, J.*, & Westfall-Rudd, D. (June, 2018). Faculty Teaching Improvement: Opportunities Within a Graduate Student & Faculty Community of Practice. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Adult Education Research Conference (AERC), Victoria, BC, Canada. Retrieved from
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Corkins, C.*, & Westfall-Rudd, D. (May, 2018). Lessons for Extension Strategic Planning: A Case Study of Virginia Cooperative Extension. Paper presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE), pp. 86-102, Charleston, SC. Available at
Elliott-Engel, J.*, Diatta, A., & Westfall-Rudd, D. M. (May, 2018). The Global Potential for a Community of Practice Approach to Improving Faculty Pedagogy Skills. Professional development workshop presented at the Innovation in Agricultural Education Conference, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Corkins, C.*, Elliott-Engel, J.*, & Westfall-Rudd, D. (Feb, 2018). Facilitating Reflection to Enhance Understanding and Knowledge Retention in the Higher-Ed Large Classroom. Practice Session delivered at the Conference on Teaching Large Classes (CTLC), Blacksburg, VA.
Select Extension Publications
Vines K; Cletzer, D.A., Westfall-Rudd, D., Hunnings, J., Sumner, M., Vines, N.T., Johnson, L., Lambur, M, (Sept, 2021). Early Career Extension Professional Development Needs Assessment Report, ALCE-273NP.
Niewolny, K., Vallotton, A. & Kloetzli, C. (2021). Introduction to Whole Farm Planning.” Module I in Virginia Whole Farm Planning: An Educational Program for Farm Startup and Development, edited by D. M. Westfall-Rudd, K. Niewolny, and K. Trozzo. (VCE Publication ALCE-289P (AEE-50P)). Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Niewolny, K., Schmidt, K., Groover, G., Smith, M. & Perkins, J. (2021). Land Acquisition and Tenure. Module IV in Virginia Whole Farm Planning: An Educational Program for Farm Startup and Development, edited by D. M. Westfall-Rudd, K. Niewolny, and K. Trozzo. (VCE Publication ALCE-288P (AEE-51P)). Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Westfall-Rudd D., Grover, G., Callan, P., McKay, S., & Bovay, J. (2021). Whole Farm Business Management and Planning. Module III in Virginia Whole Farm Planning: An Educational Program for Farm Startup and Development, edited by D. M. Westfall-Rudd, K. Niewolny, and K. Trozzo. (VCE Publication ALCE-270P (AEE-53P)). Blacksburg, VA: Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Off campus Dr. Westfall-Rudd works with secondary agricultural education teachers from across the Commonwealth to support their development of new curriculum and program resources to teach their students new innovations relevant to the agriculture industry in their region (please insert link to the VA Ag Ed Centers of Innovation website). Most recently Dr. Westfall-Rudd has broadened her program planning work to include collaborations with agricultural community educators and university faculty in Senegal through the USAID funded ERA Senegal: Education and Research in Agriculture project directed by the Virginia Tech Office of International Research, Education, and Development.
An important component of her work was the opportunity to work with agricultural educators to develop new resources and continuing education programs to support their professional practices. She works with the VAAE leadership to conduct an annual conference for new agricultural educators where she provides leadership in the conference format and content.
Ph.D., Education, Cornell University
M.S., Agricultural Education, Cornell University
B.S., Agricultural Education, Cornell University
A.A.S., Agricultural Business, State University of New York, College of Agriculture and Technology, Cobleskill, New York
CALS Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, 2024
(from the Graduate School at Virginia Tech)
Southern Region AAAE Outstanding Teacher Award, 2021,
American Association for Agricultural Education, Southern Region
Jo Ann Underwood Ally of the Year for 2018
LGBT Caucus at Virginia Tech
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Teaching Fellow Award, June, 2013
Outstanding Research Award, Dept. of Agricultural and Ext. Education, May 2010
Mary Merrill Memorial Award for Outstanding Feature Article in The International Journal of Volunteer Administration (IJOVA), 2009
Alan A. Kahler Outstanding Dissertation Award, American Association for Agricultural Education, May 2009
Marvin & Ruth Glock Dissertation Research Award, Department of Education, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University, May 2009
Outstanding Symposium Award, The Academy for Career and Technical Teacher Education & Association for Career and Technical Education Research, November, 2009
Graduate Students | Degree |
Bryce Burrell | Ph.D., ALCE |
Logan Layne | Ph.D., ALCE |
Mikel Manchester (part-time employee degree program) | Ph.D., ALCE |
William Taylor | Ph.D., ALCE |
Melissa Hendricks (part-time employee degree program) | M.S., ALS |
Emily Nolen (part-time employee degree program) | M.S., ALS |
Desiree Shelley | M.S., ALCE |
Kayla Surley | M.S., ALCE |
Cayla Walter (part-time employee degree program) | M.S., ALS |
Completed Ph.D. and M.S. Advisees
Cowell-Lucero, J. (2021). Good practices of alumni relations professionals leading engagement programs and volunteers in colleges of agriculture at land-grant institutions. (Master’s thesis, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Kane, O. (2021). How must agricultural technical education and vocational programs in Senegal be reformed to address the changing needs of the different value-chains within the agriculture system in Senegal? (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Greaud, M. (2020). A Case Study of an Agricultural Teacher’s Planned Behavior When Working With Students With Special Needs. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Mutts, J. (2020). Motivation of Youth Program Volunteers. (Master’s project, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Corkins, C. (2019). STEM education in Virginia 4-H: A qualitative exploration of engineering understandings in 4-H STEM educators. (Master’s thesis, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Ajao, H. (2019). Exploring the Process of Designing an Effective Post-Secondary Curriculum in Preparing Agricultural Education Graduates for the Nigerian Workforce. (Master’s thesis, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Webb, R. C. (2018). A Case Study of How Modern Agricultural Education Programs May Be Designed to Support Innovative Agricultural Content. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Elliott-Engel, J. (2018). State Administrators’ Perceptions of the Environmental Challenges of Cooperative Extension and the 4-H Program and Their Resulting Adaptive Leadership Behaviors. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Beauvais, J. (2018). The Impact of Women’s Health Issues on Agricultural Production in Fondwa. (Master’s thesis, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Robbins, H. (2018). Evaluating the “Drone the Unknown” 4-H Program Curriculum. (Master’s project, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Moore, M. (2018). Evaluating the benefits and challenges of SAE in the Virginia High School Agriculture Curriculum. (Master’s project, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Robinson, K. (2018). A Case Study of Integrative Agricultural Education: Integrating Mathematics to Develop Students Quantitative Reasoning. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Kane, O. (2017). Ways to Expand the Animal Welfare Component in the Extension System in Senegal: A Case Study of Thies and Bambey. (Master’s thesis, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Farley, S. (2017). Evaluating the Beef Quality Assurance Certification Program as Part of the Virginia High School Agriculture Curriculum. (Master’s project, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Vengrin, C. A. (2016). Examining the Evaluation Capacity, Evaluation Behaviors, and the Culture of Evaluation in Cooperative Extension. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Johnson, D. (2016). Experiential Learning in Agriculture Education. (Master’s project, Virginia Tech). Available at:
Vu, A. (2015). A Case Study of a Beginner Gardening Program in North Carolina. (Master’s thesis, Virginia Tech). Available at
Edwards, S. W. (2012). The Effects of the Student Teaching Experience on Cooperating Teachers in Secondary Agricultural Education Programs: A Case Study. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Retrieved from
Drape, T. A. (2011). Teaching with Technology in an Agriculture Associate's Degree Program. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech). Retrieved from
McKee, K. (2011). Access to Discourse and Professional Identity Development of Doctoral Students in Communities of Practice. (Doctoral dissertation, Virginia Tech).
Waknine, J. (2010). A Case Study of Student Cognitive Responses to Learning with Computer-Assisted Modular Curriculum. (Master’s Thesis, Virginia Tech). Retrieved from