Matthew K. Spindler
Mail Code 0343
Blacksburg, VA
- Fax: 540-231-3824
Ph.D., 2011
Comprehensive Program in Work, Community, and Family Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - St. Paul. Dissertation Title: A grounded theory study of CTE teachers’ perspectives on and experiences with the process of CTE and science content integration.
M.Ed., 2005
Agricultural Education, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis - St. Paul. Thesis Title: The changing professional development needs of two cohorts of entry level agricultural educators.
B.S., 1995
University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Eau Claire. Major: Biology; Minor: Chemistry
Development of interdisciplinary cooperative problem solving through contextualized experiential learning – Experiential learning theory emphasizes that knowledge is cultivated through the transformation of experience into meaningful knowledge. It is imperative that learners understand that the transformation of experience into meaningful knowledge is improved if they recognize themselves as being active constructors of their own knowledge. I am interested in investigating the effect that experiential learning in cooperative teams has on the capacity of individuals and teams to engage in interdisciplinary cooperative research and problem solving.
Southwestern Piedmont STEM Education Collaborative
National Association of Agricultural Educators and Virginia Association of Agricultural Educators STAR program
ALCE 4044 – Agricultural Sciences Seminar
ALCE 4024 – Occupational Experience Programs
ALCE 5044 – Advanced Program and Curriculum Design
ALCE 5224 – Team Science, Cooperation, and Interdisciplinary Work
ALCE 5964 – Field Study in Agricultural Education / CTE Program Student Teaching
ALCE 6804 – Advanced Scientific Procedures in in ALCE
ALS 5334 – Professional Communication in Agricultural and Life Sciences
Spindler, M. & Simpson, C. (2017, February). Cooperative Teams: Individual Goals and Team Performance. Paper to be presented at the 9th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, Blacksburg, VA.
Spindler, M. (2016). A cooperative learning group procedure for improving CTE and science integration. Journal of Career and Technical Education Research, 41(3), 147-164.
Wilk, A., Spindler, M., Scherer, H. (2016). Scholar development: A map for outreach and teaching. Journal of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, 60(4), 385-397.
Spindler, M. (2016, April). Building cooperation between CTE teachers and school guidance counselors. A paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, DC.
Spindler, M. & Ogwo, B. (2014). Listening to Collaborate: Professional Development for Postsecondary Agricultural Education and Training Instructors Teaching Technical Subjects in Nigeria. Journal of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, 23(3), 32-48.