Brett Milliken
- Director, Virginia Governor's School for Agriculture
- Director, Teaching and Learning Minor

Blacksburg, VA 24061
- Oregon State University, 2022
Ph.D. Education, Agricultural Education emphasis
- Utah State University, 2018
M.Ed. Education, Career and Technical Education emphasis
- Utah State University, 2008
B.S. Horticulture, Ornamental Horticulture emphasis
Dr. Milliken is a strong proponent of conducting research with pragmatic application teaching and learning, specifically in school-based agricultural education and agricultural youth program settings. His research focuses primarily on the use of qualitative methodologies to explore a variety of topics including blended learning and teaching, culturally relevant pedagogy, international agriculture concepts, and youth experiences in non-formal agriculture programs.
Dr. Milliken engages with and supports school-based agricultural education educators and programs throughout the Commonwealth, has assisted in developing the Virginia Agricultural Education FFA CDE, and assists with planning the annual Teach Ag High School Conference. He also oversees the Middle School Leadership Conference, a leadership development workshop event that works with 250-350 middle school FFA members each fall at Virginia Tech.
Dr. Milliken serves as the director of the Virginia Governor’s School for Agriculture, a month-long residential summer program for gifted and advanced high school juniors and seniors. This program provides students with rigorous scientifically-informed courses and experiential-based activities such as academic research, lab work, and field trips as they learn more about topics in agriculture and agriculturally adjacent disciplines.
ALCE 4034: Methods of Planning Education Programs in Agriculture
ALCE 4024: Managing Agricultural Supervised Occupational Experience Project
ALCE 4234: Curriculum for Career and Occupational Education
ALCE 4244: Teaching and Training Methods in Agricultural and Life Sciences
ALCE 4884: Youth Program Management
ALCE 5044: Program and Curriculum Design in Agricultural and Extension Education
Ferand, N., Bowen, B.D., Milliken, D.B. (in review). Assessing the professional development needs of Career and Technical Education teachers in Virginia. Career and Technical Education Research.
Milliken, D.B., Traini, H.Q., & Stewart, J. (in press). Attempts toward blended teaching and Personalized learning in school-based agricultural education. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Schmidt, K.J., Milliken, D.B., González Morales, A.M., Traini, H.Q., & Velez, J.J. (2022). When teaching hurts: Exploring the secondary traumatic stress of early-career SBAE teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education, 63(3), 216-232.
Haddad, B., Milliken, D.B., Stewart, J., & Velez, J.J. (2021). Then what? Quantifying SBAE teacher career decisions post-migration. Journal of Agricultural Education, 62(1).