Kate D. McCain
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Ph.D., Human Sciences and Leadership, 2020, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
M.A., Communication Studies, 2007, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha NE
Graduate Certificate: Human Resources and Training & Development, 2007, University of Nebraska at Omaha, Omaha NE
B.S. Speech Communication-Corporate, Community, Public Relations, 2005, Wayne State College, Wayne, NE
Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) Qualified Administrator
Dr. McCain explores leader identity development in emerging adults through the lens of narrative inquiry. By exploring storytelling, Dr. McCain investigates how individuals create, socialize, and cope with experiences that shape their identities as leaders. An aspect of this work involves examining the darker side of leadership, focusing on how "contaminated" or challenging stories can contribute to positive leadership growth and development. Additionally, Dr. McCain is committed to the scholarship of teaching and learning in leadership education. She focuses on how leadership is taught and the importance of employing evidence-based practices (i.e., storytelling activities) to foster classroom environments that support student success and development.
ALCE 3634 - Communicating Ag and Life Sciences in Speaking
ALCE 5104 - Research Applications in ALCE
ALS 5134 - Community Based Applications of Qualitative Inquiry
LDRS 1414 - Exploring Citizen Leadership
LDRS 4984: SS - Toxic Leadership
Orsini J., McCain, K.D. & Sunderman H.M. (under review). A turning point: Utilizing responsive interviewing and graphing to promote leader identity through meaning making. Journal of Leadership Education
McCain, K. D. & Marsh, J. J. Nonverbal communication & active listening for interpersonal leadership skills. (2023). In G. Matkin, J. Headrick, & H. M. Sunderman (Eds.) Developing human potential: A personal approach to leadership. Pressbooks.
Sunderman, H., & McCain, K., & Hastings, L. (2022). “Under my wing”: Exploring the connection between generativity and mentoring through storytelling. Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 30(4), 454-478. doi: 10.1080/13611267.2022.2096805
Armstrong, P. J. & McCain, K. D. (2021). Narrative pedagogy for leadership education: Stories of leadership efficacy, self-identity, and leadership development. Journal of Leadership Studies, 14(4). 1-11. doi:10.1002/jls.21724
Sunderman, H., Headrick, J. & McCain, K. D. (2020). Addressing complex issues and crises in higher education with an adaptive leadership framework. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 52(6). 22-29, doi: 10.1080/00091383.2020.1839322
McCain, K. D. & Matkin, G. (2019). Emerging adults’ leadership identity development through family storytelling: A narrative approach. Journal of Leadership Education, 18(2), 159-167. doi: 10.12806/V18/I2/T3
- Outstanding Practice Paper- “A Turning Point: Utilizing Responsive Interviewing and Graphing to Promote Leader identity thought meaning Making” 2023, Association of Leadership Educators
- Distinguished Research Poster – “Exploring the Influence of Meaning-Making Experiences on Leader Identity Development through Narrative Storytelling” 2022, Association of Leadership Educators
- Founding Mothers’ Student Scholar 2019, Association of Leadership Educators
- Outstanding Practice Poster- “Servant Leadership: Who Serves Whom? Addressing Servant Leadership in the 21st Century” 2022, Association of leadership Educators
- Distinguished Research Methods Workshop- “Qualitative Inquiry: Advancing Methodological Best Practices for Leadership Education” 2020, Association of leadership Educators
- Parent’s Recognition Award, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 2019
- Teaching Assistant Holling Family Award for Teaching Excellence, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2018