Pratyoosh Kashyap

Blacksburg, VA 24061
Dr. Pratyoosh Kashyap is an agricultural economist whose work focuses on applying economic theory and quantitative methods to examine issues in the food systems. His postdoctoral research within the Center for Food Systems and Community Transformation employs a mixed methods approach to assess the distinct needs of Black, Hispanic, and Tribal agricultural producers in the South-Eastern states of the United States around accessing wholesale food markets. His research interests include understanding the role of cultural capital in food policy adoption, evaluating nutrition and food security programs, consumer behavior and demand analysis, and issues in community development.
Ph.D. Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, USA
M.A. Development Economics, South Asian University, India
B.A. Economics, Kirori Mal College, University of Delhi, India
Kashyap, Pratyoosh, Becca BR Jablonski, and Allison Bauman. "Exploring the relationships among stocks of community wealth, state farm to school policies, and the intensity of farm to school activities." Food Policy 122 (2024): 102570.
Kashyap, Pratyoosh and Becca BR Jablonski. "Universal Free School Meals: Examining Factors Influencing Adoption of the Community Eligibility Provision." (Revise and resubmit in Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2024).
Kashyap, Pratyoosh, Jordan Suter, and Sophie McKee. "Measuring Changes in Pork Demand, Welfare Effects, and the Role of Information Sources in the Event of an African Swine Fever Outbreak in the United States." (Revise and resubmit in Food Policy, 2024).
Kashyap, Pratyoosh and Becca BR Jablonski. “The Importance of Culture in Evaluating Community Well-Being: Developing Indicators of Cultural Capital.”
Spalding, Ashley, Pratyoosh Kashyap, Adeline Yeh, Christine Sauer, Becca Jablonski, Zoë Plakias, and Ashley Chaifetz. Trends in U.S. Farm to School Participation and Procurement, 2018-19. United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. Forthcoming 2024.
Kashyap, Pratyoosh and Wendy Peters Moschetti. “Program Assessment of Colorado Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP) 2020.” Report submitted to Nourish Colorado. 2021.
Mehta, Meeta Punjabi, Pratyoosh Kashyap, and Garima Khanna. “Evaluation of the Livestock Development Programme in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka, India.” Report submitted to ITC Limited India. 2019.
Mehta, Meeta Punjabi and Pratyoosh Kashyap. “Livestock Market Study under JOHAR for Goat Value Chains Development in Jharkhand, India.” Report submitted to Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society, Government of Jharkhand, India. 2018.
Mehta, Meeta Punjabi and Pratyoosh Kashyap. “A Study of the Goat Value Chain in Banswara and Dungarpur, Rajasthan, India.” Report submitted to Heifer International, India. 2018.
Mehta, Meeta Punjabi, Pratyoosh Kashyap, and Raosaheb Mohite. “Evaluation and Impact Assessment of ‘Support to State Extension Programmes for Extension Reforms’.” Report submitted to Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. 2017.
Kashyap, Pratyoosh and Debdatta Saha. “The Relevance of Socio-Economic Coordination: Information Flows and the Role of Telecommunication.” South Asian University. 2017.