Jama Coartney

Mail Code 0343
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Master of Science, Agricultural Leadership and Community Education
Completed: August 2021
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA
Master of Science, Managing Information Technology, May 2010
McIntire School of Business, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
- Leadership studies and higher education
- Local/community/alternative food systems and community development
- Short food supply chains, value supply chains, food access, and food security
- Program evaluation and facilitating change
Governor’s School for Agriculture Professional and Academic Writing
June 2021
2021 Virginia Governor’s School for Agriculture
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Student Feedback
ALCE 3624 Communicating Agriculture in Writing
Jan 2021–May 2021
Department of Agriculture, Leadership, and Community Education
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
ALCE 3624 Communicating Agriculture in Writing
Aug 2020–Dec 2020
Instructor of Record
Department of Agriculture, Leadership, and Community Education
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA
ALCE 3624 Communicating Agriculture in Writing
Jan 2020–May 2020
Teaching Assistant
Department of Agriculture, Leadership, and Community Education
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA
Coartney, J. S., Kaufman, E. K., Westfall-Rudd, D. M., Seibel, M. M., Friedel, C. R., White, A., Carmichael, C. (2022, February 13–15). Building Professional Collaborations between Community College and Land Grant University Faculty [Poster abstract]. 2022 American Association of Agriculture Educators (AAAE) Southern Region Conference, New Orleans, LA, United States. http://aaaeonline.org/2022southern
Coartney, J. S. & Kaufman, E. K. (2022, February 13–15). Farmers Market Leadership: Resilience and Support [Conference session]. Southern Rural Sociological Association, New Orleans, LA, United States. https://www.southernruralsociology.org/
Coartney, J. S., & Kaufman, E. K. (2021, October 20-23). Connecting the Dots Between Team Science, Leadership Education, and the Interdisciplinary Research Pipeline [Interactive Round Table Discussion Session]. 23nd Annual Global Conference, International Leadership Association (ILA), Geneva, Switzerland. https://ilaglobalnetwork.org/events/23rd-annual-global-conference-geneva-2021/
Coartney, J. S., Kane, O., & Kaufman, E. K. (2021, June). Stakeholder maps as a tool for guiding team science with collaborative partnerships and professional development [Splash talk]. 12th Annual International Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference.
Kaufman, E. K., Walz, J., Friedel, C., Coartney, J. S., & Kane, O. (2021, June). Bridging cognitive diversity for science team success. [Workshop]. 12th Annual International Science of Team Science (SciTS) Conference.
Nunoo, N., Coartney, J.S., & Rutherford, T. (2021, February). Navigating crossroads of power, language, and culture in team teaching. [Presentation]. 13th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (CHEP).
Coartney, J.S., Schmidt, A. & Nunoo, N. (2021, February). Leveraging the honors college to practice learner-centered pedagogy: Writing, illustrating and publishing a children’s book. [Poster]. 13th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy (CHEP).
Kaufman, E. K., Coartney, J., Anderson, J., Mitra, S., & Sen, A. (2020, November). Studying leadership as praxis: Experience with a worldwide education system. [Presentation]. 22nd Annual Global Conference, International Leadership Association (ILA).
Kaufman, E. K., Mitra, S., Anderson II, J. C., Coartney, J., & Cash, C. S., (2020). Leading Collaborative Change in an Educational Organization. Journal of Leadership Education, 19(4), 56-67. https://doi.org/10.12806/V19/I4/R5.
Anderson II, J. C., Kaufman, E. K., Coartney, J., Mitra, S., & Cash, C. (2020). Using A tiered approach for implementing networked learning communities: A case study on developing the capacity of leaders to implement systemwide innovations within international training and development programs. Journal of International Agriculture and Extension Education, 27 (1), 6–14. https://doi.org/10.5191/jiaee.2020.27101.
Coartney, J. S. (2020, April). Farmers Markets: Essential or Not? [Presentation]. Agricultural Leadership and Community Education Forum 2020 Virtual Conference.
Kaufman, E., Anderson, J., Coartney, J., Mitra, S., & Ripley, D. (2019, November). A transformative approach to collaborative change in an educational organization. [Presentation]. 21st Annual Global Conference, International Leadership Association (ILA).
Kaufman, E. K., Schuermann, P., Cannon, M., Coartney, J., Mitra, S., & Anderson, J. (2019, July). Coaching for improvement: Developing the DoDEA coaching model. [Presentation]. Association of Leadership Educators (ALE) 2019 Annual Conference.
Kaufman, E. K., Cash, C. S., Coartney, J. S., Ripley, D., Guy, T. M., Glenn, W. J., Mitra, S., & Anderson II, J.C. (2019). Planning to create a culture of continuous improvement with the Department of Defense Education Activity. Educational Planning, 26(4), 5-19.
Anderson, J., Kaufman, E.K., Ripley, D., Cash, C., Guy, T., Coartney, J., & Mitra, S. (2019). Planning change: A case study on cooperative extension's contribution to creating a culture of continuous improvement in educational programs. [Presentation]. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Conference.
Anderson, J., Kaufman, E., Mitra, S., Coartney, J., & Cash, C. (2019, June). Using the Engelbart Organizational Learning Schema to frame professional learning for college educators. [Presentation]. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Conference.
Kaufman, E. K., Thornton, J., & Coartney, J. (2017). How does leadership education shape students’ definitions of leadership? Insights from the Multi-institutional Study of Leadership [Abstract]. Proceedings of the annual conference of the Association of Leadership Educators, 609-613.
Coartney, J.S., Weisner, S. (2009, June). Choreographing the data: Performing the ARTeFACT Project TAKE 2. [Presentation]. Digital Humanities Conference at University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
Coartney, J. & Wiesner, S. (2009). Performance as digital text: capturing signals and secret messages in the media rich experience. Literary and Linguistic Computing Special Edition.
Coartney, J.S., Weisner, S., & Stalnaker, R. (2009, January). Performing Disability, Data, and Digital Text: tracing secret messages in movement. [Presentation] International Arts and Humanities Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Coartney, J.S., Weisner, S. (2008, June) Performance as digital text: Capturing signals and secret messages in the media rich experience. [Presentation]. Digital Humanities Conference in Oulu, Finland.
Blatt, R., Clark, A., Coartney, J., Tully, C., & Tucker, A. (2004). Automated quantitative analysis of angiogenesis in the rat aorta model using Image-Pro Plus 4.1. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 75(1), 75-79.
Coartney, J. & Kaufman, E. K. (2018). “Farmers' Market Leadership: Factors contributing to success and failure.” Southern SARE Graduate Student Grant program. Funded for $11,823. Support Master’s student research of leadership influences on farmers’ market success.

Developed over the past 40 years, Adaption- Innovation (A-I) Theory measures cognitive and problem-solving styles, using a continuum of Adaption and Innovation. https://kaicentre.com/

Mental Health First Aid Certification focuses on how to provide help to someone experiencing a mental health or substance abuse challenge. Became Certified 12/07/2021