Frank Adusei
Blacksburg, VA 24061
October 2012
Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)- Master`s in Management of Development (Major Field: Rural Development & Food Security)
July, 2008
Central University College (Ghana) - BSc. Agribusiness Management
Adusei, F.Y., (2020). Investigating the Factors That Affect the Adoption of Organic Agriculture in Asokwa, Kumasi Metropolis. International Journal of Agricultural Extension, 08 (03), pp 163-172. https: // 10.33687/ijae.008.03.3310
Adusei, F.Y., (2021). Climate Smart Agriculture from the intensive vegetable farmers perspectival. Big Data in Agriculture, 3 (2): 100-107.
Adusei, F. Y., (2021): Assessing the livelihood strategies of intensive vegetable farmers in the spate of urbanisation in Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana. Research Square (Preprint). Accepted at All Life Journal (Taylor and Francis Group).
Adusei, F. Y., (2021). Examining the impact of COVID-19 and its related lockdown on food Security and job losses: A case of Kumasi, Ghana. Research Square (Preprint).