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Inga Haugen

175 West Campus Dr., MC 0343
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Ph.D. student in Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA; Aug 2018-current Master of Science in Information Sciences University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Aug 2012-May 2014 Interest areas: agriculture and policy. Bachelor of Arts in English Minnesota State University Moorhead, Moorhead, MN; Aug 2000-Aug 2004 Emphasis: Norwegian, spoken and written proficiency.

Understanding Copyright; How to Find the Right Information; Communicating Your Passion

Identity and Inclusion in Agriculture

Klyver, J., Haugen, I., Schulz, L., LaPais, W.-K., Saint-Fleur, C., Starke, S. J., Piersaint, J., Rizzo, A., & Sarazen, K. (in review). Addressing malnutrition and food insecurity with breadfruit in a rural, developing country: A case study and lessons learned in Thomassique, Haiti. Journal of Global Health Reports.

Moore, E., Kriesberg, A., Schroeder, S., Geil, K., Haugen, I., Barford, C., Johns, E., Arthur, D., Sheffield, M., Ritchie, S., Jackson, C., & Parr, C. (2021). Agricultural data management and sharing: Best practices and case study. Agronomy Journal. 

Haugen I. (2017). Seventeen Interviews With Virginia Tech CALS Faculty: State of research and how information professionals can help. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information 18(3-4):401-415. 

Haugen, I. (2014). Review of EPA MyEnvironment( Journal of Agricultural and Food Information, 15(1), 75-77.

Tierney, M., Fox, L., & Haugen, I. (2021). The Right Answer? How to find Unbiased, Research-Based Answers to Horticultural Questions. Virginia Cooperative Extension.