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Natalie Slone

Police Barn - Smithfield Equine Unit

M.S. Animal Science - Focus on Neonatal Nutritional Physiology - University of Missouri

B.S. Animal Science with Agricultural Economics Minor - University of Missouri


Equine Volunteer Program at Virginia Tech

Duncan, N. B., K. S. Stoecklein, A. P. Foote, and A. M. Meyer. Dam parity affects perinatal nutrient availability in beef cattle. J. Animal Science. To Be Submitted – August 2021.

Duncan, N.B., P. J. Johnson, M. J. Crosby, and A. M. Meyer. 2020. Serum Chemistry and Hematology Changes in Neonatal Stock-Type Foals During the First 72 Hours of Life. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 84:102855.

Duncan, N. B. and A. M. Meyer. 2019. Locomotion behavior changes in peripartum beef cows and heifers. J. Animal Science. 97(2):509-520. Doi: 10.1093/jas/sky448.