Agricultural Sciences

Your Career. Your Future. Our Priority.
Agricultural Sciences Major (AGSC)
Graduates of the Agricultural Sciences major experience an interdisciplinary program of study designed to address the growing needs of today’s evolving agricultural and food systems. This includes preparation for a variety of employment opportunities.
Students enrolled in Agricultural Sciences study one of two areas:
- Teaching and Learning in Agriculture: for individuals interested in teaching high school agriculture, and/or working with youth organizations, with an option to complete a seamless transition into a Master’s program for licensure.
- Community Leadership and Development: for individuals interested in non-formal education and leadership development to improve the sustainability of communities across Virginia and the United States.

The Agricultural Sciences Degree produces graduates with strengths in teaching and learning in formal and non-formal settings, community education and development, and leadership and social change. Students can integrate their passion for agriculture with a commitment to working with people have virtually unlimited career opportunities. Specific skill and topic areas you may explore include:

Students with a major in Agricultural Sciences are encouraged to complete a minor as their area of specialization.
214 Litton-Reaves Hall, MC 0343
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Courtney Collins
Academic Advisor and Program Coordinator
Donna Westfall-Rudd
Undergraduate Director